Environmental Health & Health Literacy
Collaborate with partners and experts in the National Capital Area to improve health literacy and increase awareness and use of health education resources.
Develop collaborative health initiatives that support healthy behaviors to improve the health and well-being of communities in the National Capital Area.
2020-2021 Strategies:
Promote health literacy across the DC metro area via webinars, blog posts and social media messaging.
Build partnerships and collaborations across the health education, public health and medical communities.
National Capital Area resources:
Articles, Recommended Reading and Training materials
Health Literacy Activities by State | Health LiteracyNational Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy | health.govATSDR - Resources for the Public
Increasing Environmental Health Literacy through Contextual Learning in Communities at Risk
The evolving concept of Health literacy: New directions for health literacy studies
Defining and measuring health literacy: what can we learn from literacy studies?
Increasing Environmental Health Literacy through Contextual Learning in Communities at Risk
Read "Community-Based Health Literacy Interventions: Proceedings of a Workshop" at NAP.edu
Promoting Health Literacy Through Defining and Measuring Quality School Health Education
Health Literacy and Health Education in Schools: Collaboration for Action
Contact: healthliteracy.ncasophe@gmail.com