Leadership & Chapter Development Committee
Work closely with the President and Vice President to assist with developing the organization.
2020- 2021 Strategies:
Expand targeted leadership development to improve:
Succession planning, membership, and board growth.
Advance SOPHE’S mission, vision, and organizational performance.
Update bylaws, strategic plan, and other documents.
Increase activity/programming for members (ex: Continuing Education activities).
Develop regional committees to address issues in Northern VA, Southern VA, MD and DC
Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Health Training Center: https://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/mid-atlantic-public-health-training-center/training_events/online_training.html
SOPHE Professional Development: https://www.sophe.org/professional-development/
APHA Professional Development: https://apha.org/Professional-Development
Contact: leadership.ncasophe@gmail.com